Become a WISE (Wellness Initiative for Senior Education) Certified Facilitator and help make a difference in the lives of older adults you serve.
The WISE Program Facilitator Training is open to any group/agency that works with older adults to prevent accidental overdose of prescription medication.
The 2-Day Facilitator Training will take place at the PASS Lima offices on June 12th & 13th, from 10:00am - 3:00pm each day. This Ohio MHAS statewide funded initiative allows for groups to send individuals to get certified as WISE Facilitators and provides the WISE Facilitator Manual needed to hold classes. Groups that attend and complete the training are then able to apply for a mini-grant to get two 6-session programs rolling in their communities before September 13th.
The PASS training office will hold space for 20 persons. Please email to register any individuals for the June WISE Training.
For more information, you can review the program at the developer's website at