Postvention Services

​Critical Incident Stress Management or (CISM) was developed for the crucial times normal coping mechanisms that most people rely on are stretched to their limits. CISM has evolved to help people be more resistant, resilient, and to help recover from a critically stressful incident. The West Ohio CISM team is available 24/7 to help those in need. The team will respond at any point, when requested, but it is best to notify them as soon as possible. The earlier we are notified the earlier we can effectively respond to an incident. Services provided by the CISM team are:
Crisis Management Briefing
Individual Support
Pastoral Care
If you have any other questions please feel free to call Rick Skilliter at 419-549-8530 EXT 109 or email

The DOSS (Drug Overdose Suicide Survivors) Team approach was developed to provide families with resources, support, and hope.
The goals of the DOSS Team approach are to:
Allow survivors opportunity to start healing immediately
Give permission for families and loved ones to talk about their experience
Link new survivors in their community so they do not feel so alone
Share needed information and resources with survivors immediately
Provide mental health services “Fast-Tracked” through Coleman Behavioral Health
The DOSS Team is a highly trained group of volunteers, family and friends who have lost someone to an overdose, who will go to the scenes of an overdose and disseminate information about local resources and be the instillation of hope for the newly bereaved. The approach was designed to complement the services provided at the scene of an overdose by adding a new team of first responders.
There are three types of responses DOSS Teams make:
Traditional at the Scene / Immediate
Death Notification / Immediate or out of county
Delayed Response / At the homes of survivors, at funeral visitation or funeral service
The DOSS Team is coordinated by PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Services) and is funded by the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties. If you have any other questions, please contact Rick Skilliter at 419-549-8530 EXT 109 or email

The LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) Team approach was developed by Dr. Frank Campbell in 1997 to interrupt the multi-generational impact of risk that survivors of suicide are often reported to have as a legacy of suicide. The goals of the LOSS Team approach are to:
Allow survivors opportunity to start healing immediately
Give permission for families and loved ones to talk about their experience
Link new survivors in their community so they do not feel so alone
Share needed information and resources with survivors immediately
Provide mental health services “Fast-Tracked” through Coleman Behavioral Health
The LOSS Team is a highly trained group of volunteers, with the optimal makeup of 50% suicide survivors, who will go to the scenes of suicides and disseminate information about local resources and be the instillation of hope for the newly bereaved. The approach was designed to complement the services provided at the scene of a suicide by adding a new team of first responders.
There are three types of responses LOSS Teams make:
Traditional at the Scene / Immediate
Death Notification / Immediate or out of county
Delayed Response / At the homes of survivors, at funeral visitation or funeral service
The LOSS Team is coordinated by PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Services) and is funded by the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties. This evidence- based approach is sanctioned by the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation and is currently being utilized throughout Ohio and the United States as a postvention approach for the prevention of future suicides. ​For more information, contact Rick Skilliter at 419-549-8530 EXT 109 or email