Positive Peer Advocates
Positive Peer Advocate student-led organizations are dedicated to raising mental health awareness and promoting suicide prevention. These groups are facilitated by a trained prevention specialist from PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Services) and a staff member from the school. Meetings are held either monthly or bi-weekly, and Positive Peer Advocate groups are currently thriving in over 30 schools within the PASS service area. Schools are encouraged to implement these groups to foster positive mental health and prevent suicide.
Benefits for Students Who Participate:
Engage in Important Discussions:
Students hold meaningful conversations about mental health and work to reduce the stigma surrounding it.
Training in Suicide Prevention:
Students receive training in suicide prevention and learn effective prevention strategies.​
Develop Leadership Skills:
By holding officer positions, students enhance their leadership abilities.
Participate in Team and Trust Building:
Engaging in fun activities, students build strong team dynamics and trust within the group.​
Have a Voice in Group Functions:
Students take an active role in deciding how their group operates and in the school's prevention education efforts.​
For more information on the Positive Peer Advocates:
Bethan Miller CDCA, OCPC, ICPS, Associate Director: bmiller@passaah.org.