Support Groups
Loss Group (Local Outreach for Suicide Survivors)
LOSS GROUP LIMA - This group is available to anyone who has lost a loved one or friend to suicide. We will discuss the unique aspects of suicide grief and how we can reconcile our loss by working together in a caring and supportive group setting.
For information about the next LOSS Support Group contact Diane at: dtegenkamp@passaah.org.
The Grief Recovery Method Support Group

The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses
Common Myths About Grief:
Time heals all wounds
Replace the loss
Grieve alone
Be strong for others
Bury your feelings
Grief is a natural and normal response to loss. However, society often teaches us that these feelings are
abnormal or unnatural.
Whether your loss stems from:
Divorce or the end of a relationship
Loss of a career
Loss of trust
Loss of faith
Loss of safety
Loss of health
...the impact is profound and deeply personal.
Many people say you need to "let go"; and "move on," but they rarely explain how to do so.
The Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program provides practical steps, supportive partnerships, and
compassionate guidance to help you move forward.
For more information or to view the group schedule, please contact Cindy at cfriedrich@passaah.org.
Support groups will not meet on holidays and will resume on the next scheduled day.
For questions about our support groups, please email Cindy at cfriedrich@passaah.org