Prevention Awareness Support Services (PASS) has been delivering evidence-based prevention programming throughout Union County since July of 2019 through funding from the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Union County.

Currently, staff are in eight schools throughout Union County (five more coming soon!) promoting drug-free life choices and refusal skills with programs such as Project Alert, Refuse, Remove, Reasons (RRR), and Too Good For Drugs (in grades 4th & 6th). Healthy decision-making skills and emotion regulation are taught in two life skills programs, DBT-Steps A and Botvin Lifeskills. Signs of Suicide (SOS) and youth-led Gatekeepers groups teach teens how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) when concerned about suicidal thoughts or actions for self or peers. IMind is a Saturday intervention program for youth, and we are extremely excited to offer a Summer Career Path program for youth to learn about careers in the mental health field again this summer.
For adults, PASS offers three parenting programs: ACT Raising Safe Kids, Guiding Good Choices, and PAX Tools. Mental Health First Aid (Adult & Youth), teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. W.I.S.E. (Wellness Initiative for Senior Education), is a mental behavioral health wellness program for individuals 60 and over. A variety of support groups are offered for those who need support surrounding specific topics / life events.
The Union County Suicide Prevention Coalition is working to prevent suicide by mobilizing the community through education, awareness, and advocacy. Current Projects are: Placing Suicide Prevention Stop Signs with Hotline numbers in local parks and at local businesses and schools within Union County, providing bars and restaurants table tents with the Suicide Prevention Hotline numbers for use during Mental Health Awareness Month in May. The coalition meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from 5:30 - 6:30 pm via zoom. Contact Associate Director Beth Miller at 937-645-0141 or for information about joining the coalition or any of the programs offered by PASS.
